using Swiss-engineered Airflow®, Perioflow® and Piezon® technologies Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a systematic, predictable and comfortable approach to the detection and removal of plaque biofilm as well as the cause of gum disease and tooth decay. According to evolving research, it can be beneficial to prevent a wide range of other health implications too, including diabetes and heart disease.
A gentle vegetable-based dye is applied to your teeth and gums to detect and clearly highlight the plaque biofilm.
Your hygienist will then spend some time showing you the areas of plaque build up and recommending simple adaptations to your daily oral hygiene regime.
The Airflow®, a mixture of water, air and powder, is then used to gently clean the dye and biofilm from your teeth, tongue and other soft tissue areas; this process also removed staining.
The Perioflow® is used in patients with Periodontal Disease to remove bacteria from deep pockets between the teeth and gums with the aid of water, air and powder at varying angles.
The Piezon® tip’s linear movement technology allows for the pain free removal of any calculus deposits.
To speak with a member of our team to arrange or cancel an appointment or to make an enquiry as a new or existing patient, please get in touch.